Lisa was a joy in my Social's classes. We would get into great discussions about Quebec, the French, and of course Separation. She had great knowledge and interest in current events, and understood that all history was His-story. Her faith was strong and she loved her Lord. I have nothing but pleasant memories of her in my classes @ DCSS. I remember her smile and that twinkle in her eyes when she was trying to get one over on me! Mr. C. (Ron Cousins)
I had the great pleasure of teaching Lisa in phys.ed. and French, hiking the West Coast Trail with her and coaching her in various sports particularly volleyball at which she excelled.
She was a very capable student and a superb athlete which was indicative in every sport. Her love of competition was evident in academics and athletics throughout her school days.
She exemplified true Christian athleticism in action. She was an excellent team player, not seeking self glorification but attributing the success to the whole team. As well, through her fine sportsmanship she displayed a Christ-like attitude to other teams whether or not her team won or lost.
She loved competition and always put forth her best efforts. She was upbeat and encouraging to her team-mates as well, setting a positive example for them to follow.
As a student, she showed exemplary abilities and diligence and great enthusiasm for all subjects. She was very respectful, encouraging and kind to her teachers, engaging in discussions and quick witted with a keen sense of humour.
Lisa, in her work and play, exemplified this Bible verse: "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize…. They do it to get a crown that will not last but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 Cor.9:24, 25b
Lisa now has attained that crown of glory for eternity.
Tom Veenstra, Teacher@DCSS
I taught Lisa when she was in grade six. I remember her well as a determined and diligent student as she applied her gifts and abilities to all her subjects and achieved a high level of success. She displayed a competitive nature when challenged to tackle her fear of animals by holding a puppy for a full minute to win a sticker. Under tension, she forced herself to accomplish it.
We laughed at this together later. I remember her ability to laugh at herself, even during her illness.
Once, in Vancouver, I had borrowed a vehicle and visited her in St. Paul's hospital on an extremely rainy night. We joked about the mice in the room and catching them with the waste baskets. When I expressed my fear about driving back in the pouring rain, she suggested that I could share her bed at the hospital that night since she didn't take up much room in it anyway.
I choose not to remember Lisa by her illness but by who she was and is in Christ. She loved Jesus and strove to serve Him in her life, in her strength and even in her weakness.
In thinking of Lisa, I will always think of this verse: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phil.1:21 She now has gained her eternal glory for which we all should be striving. She knew our Lord and Saviour and because of that she has gained victory over illness and death. Sandy Veenstra, Teacher@DCS
She is truly loved and will be missed by all who know her!
PLEASE check back frequently as more information will be added. Hal ... Lisa's dad.
Those wishing to make a memorial donation can do so to: Mercy Ministries of Canada
6788 152 Street
Surrey BC V3S 3L4
For donations by phone
Mercy Ministries of Canada
please call 604.596.2422 and let the person know it is in memory of Lisa Adam.
Adam, Lisa Marie June 7, 1979 - August 16, 2007 8:31 PM PDT
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